Monday, October 20, 2008



This week was just that...uneventful. It's so nice to have a week of no stress and no drama! We played, hung out and just enjoyed are children. On Thursday the triplets went to the eye doctor for their 1 year wellness visit. I'm happy to say their are no problems at all with their vision. We where worried at first because preemies tend to have vision problems and so do multiples. So with two strikes against them, I thought for sure someone would need glasses, but NO! Just a little medical lesson here, when babies are "in-utero"at around 32-34 weeks gestation is when the eyes are fully formed. My babies where born at 31 week 6 days so they where at increased risk for premature blindness, astigmatism, near sightedness and other eye deformities. I was glad we went to the eye doctor, all my worries where put at ease!

Sunday was a day filled with friends and family. We had some friends come over for the Bills game. It was fun to interact with friends on such a nice day. The kids seem to enjoy it since our friends have a one year old boy and a 5 year old boy. (They also have a 11 year old who went to a school function)The babies enjoyed playing with Tyler and I don't think we saw Austin and Ethan but maybe 2 or 3 times for food refills. Uncle Michael and Aunt Kelly joined us to. It's always so much fun to be with them. They love our kids and you can tell they love to be around them. After all our guests left Oma and Opa came over for their Sunday visit. All in all it was a great week and weekend.

I am trying something new this week. I have decided to upload some videos of the kids. Now for all those friends and family who can't physically see our kids, they can view videos! VIVA Technology!!!!!