Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Time...what is it and how do I order more if it? The children are growing up and busy. Band, karate, lacrosse, play dates, riding two wheel bikes and more. I wish I could say that I have it all down pat and that my life is as organized as it once was...but I can't. I need more time.

For now I will take what I can get...silly boys who want to still spend a little bit of time here and there with Mommy. Stolen moments make it all worth while!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Conversations with my 6 year old...

"Mom, do you clean the bathrooms every Saturday?"..."Yes Max and several other days of the week when I find puddles in the floor."..."Oh, ok. When I get older, I'm gonna by a mom that cleans my toilets too."..."How about you just pee in the big hole in the top of the toilet!"..."I'll still buy a
Mom though."..."Can you buy me one too?"..."sure!"..."oh gee, thanks!"...like that helps me now! Bathroom #3 here I come!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy Holidays

From our crazy house to yours…Happy Holidays ALL!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Grandparents Day at school!

What a great day! Signing songs and spending time with some of their favorite people! It was grandparents Day for the triplets today!

I was lucky enough to be able to spend the day at the triplets school getting everything ready for the BIG event. They were so proud to show off art projects and read books to gramma, Papa and Aunt Terri.

The boys stood proudly on the stage and sang songs about grandparents and even sang God bless America with sign language! So cute! All three were standing proudly in the front!

My boys are very lucky to have such amazing and loving people in their lives!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Age Vernacular!

My children's vocabulary eludes me! There, I said it!

I have vague memories of being a little girl and explaining something to my grandmother. She looked at me with a "dazed and confused" look. I explained it again...nothing! Was I speaking another language? I didn't think so. In my 7 or 8 year old head it made sense. Why was she looking like at me like that?

I now know what she was feeling. Maxim was trying to explain the DS game he was playing. The vernacular he uses made absolutely no sense to me. "3-2 Mom, it's resources were depleted and the BLAH BLAH BLAH..." He trailed off after that, probably because I had my Grannies dazed and confused look! I swear he looked at me like "Man mom, you're so lame!".

I'm not sure when the generational gap occurred. I assure you I have been trying my best to stay UP on all the latest terminology in technology. Yup, I failed!

No matter how hard we try to stay current, we ultimately become our parents and grandparents! It's inevitable! I have decided to embrace my senior citizenship. That's right at 40 my children now look at me as if I am as old as the hills! I will sit in the corner knitting and mumbling to myself about the "Olden days" when a loaf of bread was a quarter and we walked to school "up hill, both ways with no shoes on in 3 feet of snow!". That'll show them! Who am I kidding? They wouldn't understand the reference and I would date myself even further!

So the moral of today's story...these young whipper snappers and their new fangled machinery, ugh! I need a nap!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Happy ALMOST 6th Birthday TRIPLETS!!!!!

Believe it or not, the Stinner Triplets are turning 6! I'm not exactly sure where the time has gone, but it seems to be flying past us wearing a jet pack!

This past weekend we celebrated the triplets ALMOST 6th Birthday surrounded by over 100 of our amazing family and friends! Although the Buffalo weather was looming over our heads, the clouds past quickly and blue skies and sunshine smiled down on our celebration. The kids swam in the pool and child after flew down the waterslide. At one count there were 18 kids in the pool smiling and playing happily! There was bouncing, swimming, sliding and swinging. All the kids smiling and laughing. New friends and old faithful ones happily sharing a glorious, drama free afternoon!

I think it was by far our best party yet. New school friends mingled with our extended family. We all realized Buffalo is a very small place and most people knew each other well and those that didn't became fast friends.

This year we kept it simple, a pool party theme. It was perfect, a shark piƱata, pool toys everywhere and even blue Jell-O with floating teddy grahams. The boys insisted on a Minecraft(their favorite video game)cake. Which was very cool! The food was delicious as always, Hungarian & Italian Sausage, hot dogs, hamburgers and salads galore! And YES I even made a fruit salad that looked like a shark...I'm so talented(NOT)!

The party stretched well into the chilly night with kids still happily playing in the pool, waterslide and bounce house. Blue lips, wrinkled toes and happy smiles. Griffin even decided to take a dip AFTER he had his jammies on! The clean up was a long drawn out process but was worth all the preparation for the happiness in my children's faces.

Gifts are not at all the reason why we have parties. We are grateful just for time spent with the people that mean the most to us. But I could not go without thanking every single person for their generosity. The boys got tons of thoughtful gifts from everyone. There was one truly amazing gift from the boys Uncle Rich. A custom made bean bag game that the boys just loved. SO much time, effort and thought. Just incredible! I know the boys will treasure it always.

I have to say that we are such a lucky family! We are so very blessed to have the best family and friends. Another happy, healthy year gone by and looking forward to the year ahead. We love you all and thank you for sharing in the boys big day!


This summer has been action packed! It's been GO GO GO! We have attended festivals and fairs, beach days and tiny adventures. This is what summer is all about.

It's also been the summer of Education. Griffin is attending school full time and I arranged for the triplets to have a tutor. Education is important to both David and myself and we just felt this was the best idea for everyone.

So our days are action packed and we are constantly on the go but we are having the time of our lives!

Emerson asked if we could "Take a break and play some games.", so we flew kites in the park. It may not have been exactly what he was talking about but an adventure none the less! We have been in the pool almost everyday(until the last week or so)and it even got to be over 90 degrees...yup, bathwater! But we loved it! It's been a constant stream of those important to us and we feel blessed!

It was also the year of upgrades! New windows and siding for the house resulted in us opening the windows and finally not dodging falling shingles every time the wind blew. It's like living in a new house! We redid the living room and bought a new truck...I should have said "This was the year of DEBT!". No matter what, we feel renewed and rejuvenated.

So from our family to yours...Happy summer, get outside and enjoy the sun!!!! 4 months until Christmas!