Saturday, February 23, 2008

Week 27

Max hates his socks.
Alex takin' a bath.....relaxin'
Round table chat
Plotting Austins demise!
Emerson sitting like a big boy

Week 27
Life has pretty much returned to normal since I've returned from Las Vegas. The boys are showing more individuality now. They are no longer baby lumps lying on the ground. Within 3 days all three babies have started sitting up. It's like they had a meeting and said "enough lying around, let's get up and see how a different angle will change our worlds!". I am quite impressed though, one day I sat them up and they just stayed like that....I thought "Holy crap, it worked". Emerson and Alex love the upright position. Max on the other hand prefers to stand and jump. If he doesn't start walking soon, I think he may loose his little mind. He gets so frustrated that he can't just run to where he needs to go.
We are all sick! I was sick a few days after returning home, than felt better but somehow had a relapse and now have a full blown sinus infection. Dear God, help me! Now I have noticed all the babies are starting to have the stuffy noses and irritation. My poor angels. Austin on the other hand is awesome. No sickness yet! Thank God! It is probably because we are stuck in this house with all these germs. YUCK!

I have spent some of this week starting to set up my MySpace account. It is such an amazing site. I have reconnected with some friends from high school and am able to talk to friends and family that are all over the world. This World Wide Web is a beautiful thing!
I have to send out Kudos to my husband. He did an amazing job with the boys when I was away. I don't really give him the credit that he deserves. He is such an amazing Dad. I hear some fathers don't do this or that and my husband does it all. He works all day, helps me with the boys in the evening, gets Austin ready for bed and than gets up with the babies at night if they wake up. He even handles dinner most nights. Could I be any luckier? I think I am the luckiest woman ever. I couldn't do what I do with out him. He did it all when I was away and I don't know many men that would take that responsibility while their wives go out of town. I love u bala!
So a few months ago I started writing a book. It started out to just be little thoughts rants and raves about having multiples and it has quickly turned into a full on novel about my life and all aspects of it. We'll see if anything comes of it. Right now it's just a preliminary concept. But eventually I hope to put it in novel form and get it published. We'll see. My life is actually more interesting than I thought. Lately it has turned into a soap opera. I plan on incorporating these blogs in someday as well or even making them into a memory book for my kids. I've realized that there is more detailed info in the blogs than in their actual baby books. Hopefully they can look back on these and reflect on their lives, like I do!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week 26

Emerson is soooooooooo happy Mommy's home!
Alex is unimpressed!
Grandpa & his boys
Max doing what he does best

Elle's 1st legal drink!
My beautiful sisters on the Vegas strip

Congrats! Dad & Robin

Week 26

Happy Birthday Babies! 6 months and counting! That's right my babies are a half of a year old. I can't believe it! It went so fast. Unfortunately we all have the flu! Not a huge deal, they are a little pukey, overly tired and just a little more miserable than usual. They had a great week with their Daddy and all the family that helped...Thanks Oma, Opa, Dad, Aunt Kathy and Grandma Linda! 5 days away from Mommy and they survived. I half wanted them to be miserable but they weren't. They had a genuinely great time. They where happy and smiley the whole time. According to my husband they didn't cry or fuss and everything was roses and sunshine. Except for when I came home. All three of them cried and fussed the whole day yesterday. I din't realize at the time that they where getting the flu. I just felt like they where acting up because I was home. They probably where a little bit. I know that they where held a lot more when I was gone than when I'm home. I try to give all 4 of my children equal amount of attention. Austin seems to get the least though because he doesn't need me as much as the babies. However, we have been working to spend more one on one time. But the babies get even time spread out between the three of them. I hold them to put them to sleep and varies times that I hold them to love them and smooch their cutie little faces. So of course when I was gone the babies got held constantly. And now they've been spoilefd and I have the responsability of getting them back into a routine. Now they have the flu...and so do I! ARRGGGHHH!
Vegas Baby! Las Vegas was a great time. My sisters and I loved the trip. I of course did not win any money but all in all it was a great time. I didn't actually gamble that much and I definately didn't drink alot but man o man did I eat. I blew my diet than some. The wedding was nice, there where a ton of people there, alot more than I thought. All of Robins (my Daddy's wife) family and friends where there, My cousins, Aunts and Uncle and Grandparents where all there. It was truly a Vegas expirience including when Elvis himself in a pink shiny jacket walked by us to use the restroom and said "Thank you, thank you very much" when we moved out of his way! There was even a drive thru wedding chapel at this place. We watched two couples go through, one where on motorcycles and the other in a convertable. It took all of 5 minutes and they where hitched. Man are these people gonna be pissed when they sober up! I wonder if there are drive through divorce courts in Vegas? I'll look the next time I'm there. It ws a good time though and my Dad and Robin seemed to have a good wedding week long extraviganza! My sister had a good birthday, we spent it shopping looking around and having her 1st legal drink at Tresure Island Casino. We than went to the Paris for a great dinner. I think she enjoyed herself I know that I did. The only thing that was a little disconcerning in Las Vegas is all the children. We saw an enormous amount of children out at all times of the night in smokey casinos. Little teeny babies. As a mother I wanted to take these parents and shake them. Don't they know the statistics on the damage of second hand smoke on infants. Some people are just incredibly ignorant and insensitive to the needs of their children. I think people should have to take a Parenting 101 before giving birth. Not that it would help. I think I'm done with Vegas for a while!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weeks 24 & 25

Emerson learned how to hold his baba
Mad Max yelling at his MAMA!
Alex just being a cutie boy!
Happy Birthday Big Boy!
Chuck E Cheese freaks me out.

Max & Austin relaxin'

Weeks 24 & 25

Last week was Austins 5th birthday party. Chuck E Cheeses is not my idea of a fun time but my child loved it. He had all his friends from school come and he kept kissing this little brunette names Julianna who by the way was the cutest little girl I've ever seen. 5 years old and already smooching on the class hottie. What will I do? Well anyway he had a great time. He ran around playing video games with his friends and cousins.

Unfortunately on Austins actual birthday he came down with the flu. My poor man! He woke us up at 5 am with a high fever and vomit as far as the eye could see. I threw him in the bath, cleaned his room and put him back to bed. He was so sick he spent the next 36 hours on the couch in his playroom. He didn,t eat and only drank a little. I had to keep him seperate from the babies as to not expose them. If he ventured up stairs I had to chase him back to the playroom with the can of Lysol! He is feeling much better but I still kept him home from school today just to be sure. Besides the wind chill is -20 today, so I probably would have kept him home anyway.

The babies are doing well. They are teething like little mad men. They chew on anything they can get their hands on. I have to watch what they are close to because Emerson tried to chew on my camera. YUCK! That could not taste good. Anyway, I am freaking out a babies are scooting. They are mobile! HELP! Emerson can scoot backwards about 5 or so feet in just a minute or two...Alex is trying to roll...and Max...well Max will be walking in a couple of weeks, I just know it. He rolls all over the place including on top of his brothers and starts pinching and scrathing. I think he may be a proffessional wrestler some day!

Lord help me they are all growing so fast. Next week they will be 6 months old, already! I look at them in my arms in the mirror and I'm shocked how long and how thick they are. There was a time I could hold all three and it felt like nothing and now, one baby strains my back. Don't even get me started on the size of Austin, he's going to be as tall as me in a couple of years and his feet are huge! I can't lift that kid to save my life! He's a little man now!

I'm starting to panic! Vegas is 48 hours away! I'm gonna miss my children so much. I just explained the whole thing to Austin and he is so cool...."go. have fun deserve it". Yes my 5 year old actually said that. I'm sure the boys will be great and David will take great care of them but I'M GONNA MISS THEM SO BAD! I've been there every second of every day since they where concieved. How do I leave them for 5 whole days! I'm gonna cry. I miss them all already! I am however looking forward to sleep, warm food and clothes without puke stains.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Random Comment

Random Comment

I just looked back at some pictures from when our babies where born. If you have the opportunity take a look back at some of the first blog entries and pictures and than tell me if you believe God works miracles!