Happy Baby, Emerson making a mess, Silly Alex, Busy Austin and serious Max!
What a Week
When your loved ones die, you feel lost. I feel as if I have been walking in a fog for the last week. Everyday I go through the motions of my life. I get up, feed the kids, clean the house, play, do homework with Austin and love up all the boys, put everyone to bed and start over the next day. However, for the last week throw in wakes, funerals, family fights, mounds of paperwork, pictures, memories and tears. Not to mention a teething 1 year old who doesn't sleep and you have a recipe for exhaustion. At one point(while uploading pictures)my little Alex came up and hugged my leg. "Don't cry, mommy". How poignant those words from my little love. I thought, WOW...I just need to pull it together. Easier said than done.
The boys have handled all this drama in stride. I know the 4 little ones have no idea what's going on, they just know I have been gone a lot. I see their faces light up when I walk in the door and remember all the joy in my life, that seems to melt the sadness away. Austin knows what's been happening and keeps asking me little questions here and there. He even asked "where do you go when you die?". He said "I know...heaven, right". That's right, I said. He said..."That's cool." I'm not exactly sure how much he understands so we keep most conversations to a minimum. He was able to spend some time over the weekend with his Uncles Michael & Frankie. They took him to the Monster Truck rally. He said it was loud but really awesome. All I know is that it was very manly.
The triplets have stepped up their game. They have recently figured out the art of opening doors. This means three little men come running out of their room while it's still dark and get into the bathrooms and every closet you can imagine. They have figured out they are a team and one will distract as the others descend upon the attic. At some point over the last week, Emerson got into our bathroom and shaved the side of his head with Davids beard trimmer. Since we have discovered a mystery wound in Maxim's ear as well, we think he may have gotten in on the action. Let's just say they all got their heads shaved after that. Speaking of haircuts, Griffin got his very first big boy haircut. I really had no choice. His hair was down to his shoulders. I think I showed great restraint. I wanted to cut it when he was 8 months old, but held off. I figured since everyone else was getting chopped, so would he. He handled it well and looks like such a big boy. My baby is growing up!