Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Here we go, AGAIN!

Here we go, AGAIN!

Well, Christmas went off without a hitch. We saw mostly everyone we wanted to see. The kids received pretty much everything on their lists and the food and cookies where yummy. So what more could we ask for? HMMMMMMM...perhaps, the Christmas FLU! You have got to be kidding me! Didn't we just get over a bad cold? Now the puking and diarrhea! Tgis can't be! I've had enough. In 2010 we are starting a vitamin regiment and we are all going to be healthy.

Now is crunch time for the baby's first birthday.In less than 1 week my baby boy will be turning 1. It seems like yesterday I was pregnant with him and here he is almost a year old and running around with his brothers. I look at this kid with complete amazement. Here we almost lost him when he was born and he is such a happy, healthy big boy now. We are in complete awwww of God's blessings! We are looking so forward to the big 1st birthday bash. We are going to spend it with ALL the people we love. I can't wait for a day that is all about my little Grif! Hopefully the weather will hold out and everyone can make it.

Well, it's New Years Eve. For some reason people always make ridiculous resolutions on this day. I think the thought of renewal that comes with the ending of one year and the beginning of a new one makes everyone hopeful for a new beginning. This year I too am making resolutions, I've never done this in the past. I am leaving behind a year of loss(miss you Granny), new life, dissolving of harmful family ties, great pain and intense love. I am resolving to be the best mother, wife, sister, daughter, christian and friend that I can possibly be. Happy New Year Everyone!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

First I would just like to acknowledge this day for what it is, a CHRISTIAN holiday. Despite all the commercialism and ciaos that comes with Christmas, it is still a celebration of the birth of our Lord! For that I say Happy Birthday Jesus!

OK, now that I said that we can get on with the last week of our lives. WHOA! Can you say insanity? Well, the last week was insane! Last minute running and shopping, wrapping, baking and subsequently cooking. I don't know what I was thinking! Why do I take on SO much? Well, I do so for my children. On Christmas eve they where so happy to see family come in. They giggled, smiled and laughed harder than I've heard in a long time. To hear the laughter waifing from every room in the house was music to my ears. It seems everyone they love came in and out the last week, bearing gifts of course. For the first time the triplets enjoyed opening gifts. They eagerly grabbed them and ripped them open. They almost couldn't wait to get the next one. Than the wrapping, ripping, tearing ensued! It was snowing wrapping paper, and little pieces of boxes everywhere I looked. The noise increased 10 fold as my mother got the boys these HUGE talking, moving, engine revving trucks that played music at an unGodly high level. There where books that talked, animals that quacked and trucks that squealed. The boys where in heaven. Austin screamed "MOM, LOOOOOOOK!" every single time he opened a gift! He was so excited. Griffin was not so enthused, but hey he's not even 1 yet! He was happy to walk around picking up scraps of cookies everywhere. It was almost 9 by the time we cleaned up and got the little ones to bed. Austin set out the milk and cookies for Santa and this year it was his turn to help read "twas the night before Christmas". Between my mom, myself and Austin we read it all. Without much of a fight Austin was in bed and snoring by 9:30.

Christmas morning started late. I was up early making breakfast, getting the coffee ready and turning on all the lights. I grabbed the video camera and started waking everyone up. The triplets where all still sleeping but jumped right up. I barely opened Austins door when he came running out like a mad man. Griffin REFUSED to wake up no matter what I did so I let him sleep. David and I brought the boys down and just watched their facial expressions change. They started opening gifts right away and seemed pleased at what Santa got them. A Mickey Mouse Playhouse, Toy Story Chairs, Dinosaurs, games and a toy laptop for each. Austin was very excited to get the game Battleship and the Star Wars AT-TE Vehicle he had asked for! When all was done the baby decided to join us. He came down and opened his new train set, and Elmo toy. He was unimpressed. He just wanted to run around. So, we let him!

After breakfast we played and hung out. The Saletta's came to visit and Grandma Linda brought the new favorite toy of the season the "Zhu Zhu pet" This is a hamster that rolls around when you press it's back. Emerson laughed hysterically, Max tried to throw them and Alex tried to smash it like a bug. It was a blast. A very relaxing holiday.

I'm glad it's over now. I just need to reorganize and reassess all the kids toys now, God help me, it's going to be a lot of work. We are all so blessed to have the BEST family and friends any family could ask for. Everyone was so generous and loving. I'm so glad we got to spend time with everyone. Merry Christ6mas to ALL and to ALL...a good night!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ready, Set...GO!

Ready, Set...GO!

Well, we are all better...I'm sure it's just temporary so I'm not getting my hopes up. David is back from his training. Thank God! That was the longest week of my life. The boys didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. We where all sick as dogs and miserable. Now all seems to be calm. I'm hoping just to make it through the holidays without any relapses.

The baby is running around like a mad man. He is getting into everything. The triplets refuse to leave the gate closed so he pretty much has free run of the house. God help us if he discovers the stairs!

We have been busy getting ready for Christmas. I put up the tree finally, only to plug it in and have SPARKS shoot out!. I immediately unplugged it and ran to tell David. Truth is, I wasn't that upset that the old tree finally gave out. I wanted a new slim line tree anyway. Let's just say WalMart saved the day. I quickly ran and bought a new tree just in the "NICK" of time!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ho Ho Home for the Holidays!

Ho Ho Home for the Holidays!

Let the craziness begin! So here we are again. The hustle and bustle of the holidays. The revolving door of visitors will begin soon and just on cue we have a winter cold. As usual there is SNOT EVERYWHERE! The kids are their normal miserable self. That seems to come with the territory when they don't feel well. Griffin hasn't slept more than 2 hours at a time in days and seems to have the worst of it. I myself have been under the weather and have had a battery of tests to rule everything out. After a few very stressful weeks my tests came back ALL negative! Thank you GOD! It turns out I had "Mononucleosis". Mono as it is most commonly called is known as "the kissing disease". This is a name that came out of mostly teenagers becoming effected after swapping spit or smooching in the hallways of schools. I most likely got it from a restaurant or shopping cart. That's what sucks about being the mom, when I'm sick I still have to take care of the family. To make things worse David is off to a training seminar in South Carolina. This means just me and 5 sick kids, UGH! Of course my wonderful Deb is here on occasions to relieve some of the pressure. Thank God for her!

This week on top of not feeling well Austin had Floor Hockey. He insisted on going so who am I to complain. If you look at all the kids they all had snot hanging from their noses and bright red cheeks. This was the first time I saw him play and I was quite impressed. He kept to side while playing defensive and even got to play goalie for a while. He looked so cute in all those pads and helmet. He could barely stand but was able to prevent 6 or so goals. He did allow 2 in but hey, it was his first time! Good Job Babe!

Like I said the triplets weren't feeling well. We kept everything at home very low key the whole week. We watched movies, ate Christmas cookies that they helped make and drank cocoa. I think they like this every night routine. They are going to be so disappointed when all the Christmas specials end. So will I!

So, Griffin is walking! Let me correct myself, RUNNING! He is "Super Baby". I am so impressed. I think he just had enough of the bigger kids getting around faster than him! All though he was sick, he managed to get around fine. Let's hope it all clears up for Christmas next week!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Look Who's Walking Too!

Look Who's Walking Too!

I would just like to make a small announcement that my amazing, incredible, handsome, sweet baby boy Griffin Henry Michael is now walking. Over the last few weeks he has been taking steps from here to there. We thought for sure he would walk a month ago when he started to free stand but he waited until today. After much anticipation little Grif stood up and walked with no assistance. Not taking just one or two steps but 20 and more steps. He walked from the kitchen door to the sink, from the couch to the toy basket from Austin to me and everywhere in between! 11 months and 7 days old. I am very proud and scared to death! THEY ARE ALL MOBILE, GOD HELP US!!!!! if he would just sleep through the night!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Here comes Santa Clause!

All my sweet angels watching Santa Clause is coming to Town! Check out Austin's SNUGGIE!

Here comes Santa Clause!

Well, the holidays are upon us. As I said in a previous post, I am almost done shopping and am looking forward to Christmas with the boys. It will be the first year they may actually know what's going on. Austin is so excited. He has made his list and sent it off to Santa. We are doing advent calenders to count down the days. The boys love that they get a small chocolate treat everyday after dinner. It's our little routine and they get such a kick out of opening the little hatch and finding out what shape they candy is today. I think it may be our best holiday to date. We are looking forward to our open house and welcoming family and friends as always. I'm not sure when I will find time to make Christmas cookies but I'm sure they will get done as always!

I am trying my best to keep up with the postings here on the blog, but as the boys get bigger they are much more demanding of my time. I send a lot more time playing and they spend a lot less time sleeping. So needless to say my time is limited!

I have begun preparations on Griffin's 1st birthday extravaganza. We are looking forward to celebrating with all our loved ones. We are hoping the weather holds out. We will see. Invitations go out in the mail this week, if I can find time.

I must get back to my boys who are very sweetly and calmly watching Santa Clause is coming to town.