Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weeks 9-12

Brotherly Love

Austin & Max
Alex Sleeping Baby
Emerson & Max

Titi & Em Aunt Ella & Alex
Grandma Linda & Max

Our Sons
Lil Ones

Alex & Max ready for bed
Alex "Angel Baby"

Baby Chorus Line
Pbbbbtttssss! Emerson Style

Happy Haloween
Austin Gladiator - Protector of Baby Brothers Everywhere!
Watchin' TV
Alex Post Op
Max Baba drunk
Alex too Cool
Babies Eating

Emerson Chilin

Weeks 9 through 12

Well, we have probably had our scariest week yet. First of all Max has decided to have some apnea spells, two of which required us to wake him up. He turned a dusky color and I had to stimulate him to breathe. We ended up in the Emergency Room at Children's just as a precautionary measure. They sent him home....Thank God, I don't know what I would have done had they kept him. Max has always had spells but never before did I have to stimulate him like that and it scared me. Personally I think it was the pushing see our little Max was trying to poop...and poop he did. Put it this way, Max put a grown man to shame. Because Max was premature, he forgets to breathe when pushing. Than his body forgets to reboot. He needs the stimulation to reboot...almost like a computer. So anyway, Max is fine now. He is home and all is well.

Than life got really scary....while opening Alexanders diaper I noticed a lump in his groin. When I say a lump....I mean this huge mass that looked like nothing I had ever seen before. I quickly realized my little man had a hernia....technically a inguinal hernia. You see when little boys testicles drop they come from their abdomen and drop into the sack through a hole in the top of their groin. Full term little boys have time for that hole to close. Because Alex was premature that hole didn't close and his intestines actually fell through the hole. I took him to the Doctors and they said it would need surgery but was not life threatening. As long as it didn't get worse he would be fine to wait a month or so until he could get a surgery date. got worse. My poor baby screamed in pain and his bulge grew hard and bigger. I took him to the Emergency Room at Children's and they immediately admitted him and scheduled the surgery for the next day. The good news is my little angel did wonderfully. He came through like a champ. We (Me & Alex) stayed in the hospital for 2 1/2 days. The hardest of my life. To be away from my other sons was awful. But Alex needed his Mommy and I needed to be there for him. He is awesome now. He is having some digestion issues...we recently switched him to Soy Formula...YUK! And he seems to be doing much better. Thanks to my Dad who stayed with me quite a bit in the hospital and helped at home with the boys. Also to my Mom who stayed with David and helped with the other boys. TiTi and everyone else...Thanks so much.

Well, the boys have started their RSV shots. That's the Virus that is deadly to preemies. They get the vaccination once a month. They should be protected against the RSV Virus but I am still not taking them out anywhere and if your sick...stay away. We had a serious outbreak of the Croop. Poor Emerson and Austin. They had it the worst. Austin brings home everything from Preschool. We are trying to maintain their health the best we can so no sniffles or anything. You get my kids sick....I kick You butt!
They are all huge....Emerson is 9lbs 4oz, Alex 9lbs 6oz & Max 9lbs 6oz.....Big Bro Austin is weighing in at a healthy 40lbs on the dot.

Austin is doing amazing. Aside from the croop Austin is starting to be a big help with his brothers. He helps with babas and binkies and he tries to entertain them when their upset. He is a little attention deprived but he'll be fine.

OK so I have a serious pet peeve I need to discuss with everyone. First of all I think some people need to go back to school and take a biology or health class. I may even need to give some people a lesson on the birds and the bees. Creation is a beautiful thing. God gave woman the most beautiful gift. The gift of being able to create and carry another life. This happens when a man and woman have intercourse. OK...I realize you all know HOW life is created! So anyway, a woman produces an egg or in my case eggs and every egg is fertilized with a sperm. In our case....three eggs three sperm. MY CHILDREN ARE FRATERNAL TRIPLETS! If they where identical it would have been one egg, one sperm that split three ways creating three identical human beings. My children where three eggs three sperm meaning three completely different human beings. If one more person asks me if I can tell my own children apart I may rip their face off. My children are not identical. They are all boys...this is true but think about it do you and your siblings look identical? Can people tell you all apart? It is just like I had three separate pregnancies all at once. My boys are very handsome they all have different personalities, different shaped heads, different eye and hair color. They are not not ask me how I can tell my own children apart...come on think about it...isn't that the stupidest question ever! I'm not trying to offend anyone I just want people to understand I get asked the same stupid questions by everyone I see. Arrrggghhhh!

After I have probably just offended most all of you...I am in need of help. I am looking for people to help out with the boys. If you are in good health and want to come over and hug and love a baby give me a call. You all have our number!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 8 1/2

Grandma, Austin & Alex Emerson in his swing Alex relaxing Max Snoosing

Week 8 1/2

We traveled to the doctors yesterday. Getting a 4 year old ready for school, 3 newborns bathed and ready for the doctors and a mom and dad out the door before 8:45 am was quite the experience. Needless to say we where about 10 minutes late to the doctors office. Anyway, the doctor was impressed how well the boys are doing. Of course there are some small issues...there always is. To start with all three boys have hernias. Emerson's is the worst but the plan of action is to see if they repair themselves. They all have reflux, again Emerson has it the worst but hopefully he'll grow out of it. Developmentally they seem to be age appropriate and their height and weight is progressing beautifully. Max is 7lbs 15oz 20" long, Alex 7lbs 13.6oz 19 3/4" long & Emerson is 7lbs 13.2oz 19" long. They all seem to be keeping up nicely with each other. They are no slackers!

The doctor also gave us quite the compliment in saying how well we are doing with the boys. He said he has seen parents that are frazzled with one healthy full term newborn. The fact that we have three and are still standing is amazing. I say it's age. I know I couldn't have done this at 20+. I am more seasoned now. It makes a heck of a difference. The boys had three shots yesterday. Actually, they had two shots and an oral vaccination. They where due for 9 vaccinations but David and I decided against giving them everything at once. 3 was the max we would allow. I know the doctors must think we are horrible people for not wanting our children vaccinated and it's not that we don't want it done. We just do not find it necessary to inject our premature children with all these vaccinations we know nothing about. It can't possibly harm them to have them spaced out a little bit.

So, I am looking for a photographer. Someone local who will come to my house and take professional pictures of my family. If anyone knows someone reliable, healthy and trustworthy, please call me with their number.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Week 8

Week 8

As of yesterday our babies are officially born. Yesterday was their due date and they are now at 40 weeks. All the specialists say that the babies start from ground zero as of then. Because they are triplets and where born at 31 weeks 6 days they technically should be delayed somewhat ....them specifically delayed by 8 weeks, the number of weeks premature they where. I had this thought looking at these incredible little miracles, let me paint a mental picture for you. They are laying on a blanket in the living room fat and happy from their morning feed. Alex is smiling and cooing and yesterday laughed out loud while being held by his Oma. Max is grunting and trying to reach over to Emerson who is also grunting and trying desperately to roll over to get to Max. there are bottles dripping a lovely mixture of breast milk and formula all over my cream color carpet, there is puke on Max's head and I believe it to be Alexanders, someone just burped so loud he scared the other two and there are sounds and smells coming from Emerson's diapers that would put a trucker to shame. I have had less than 3 hours of sleep and my coffee cup sits nestled upside of someones morning diaper. Max's monitor just went off, sending a high pitched noise permeating throughout the house...good thing it was just a low battery. When that happens I realize how desensitized my children are because no one even flinched. Even the dog, who once picked up the monitor in her mouth to try and stop the noise, barely stirred. So my thought they sound delayed? Are all the experts wrong in saying there will be delays? Are my children just gifted?(Just kidding)!

I realize I should be sleeping right now. But if I blink I will miss it all. I'll catch up when they're adults.

I don't know any of their stats yet I am assuming Max is around 8lbs and the other two are right behind him. They are doing everything that 8 week olds should be doing. Cooing, complaining, lifting their heads, laughing and everything thing else age appropriate. Max even pressed a button on a toy to make the music start. I know it was an involuntary movement on his part, a fluke that happened right at the moment I asked him to. But that's my "SUPER BABY" story and I'm sticking to it! Emerson has started to nurse on his own. At night, whenever he lies next to me he pulls down my shirt and latches on. He did this completely unassisted this morning. It must be nice to have fresh Mommy on tap whenever you want it. It's like a mommy buffet. Hey, I'll take the bonding long as they don't have teeth. I have heard conflicting breast feeding theories. Some experts say breastfeeding is the best way to feed and nourish your child. And formula can cause allergies and other harmful reactions. Others say after the first couple of weeks there is really no major benefit to giving your child breast milk over formula. I say God created me to bare children, he gave me the means in which to feed them! I'm going to feed them by that means as long as I can or until someone bites me! I do supplement with formula for the calories and the convenience, if not I would never get anything done.

We have a doctors appointment for the boys later in the week. I will post their major stats when we get them. Erie County Early Intervention is also coming out this week to asses the boys for delays and special needs services. We will let you know their conclusions as well.

Don't get used to all these posts so close's not normal for me to have all this free time. (I started this posting 2 hours, three diapers, a bottle mishap, two coffee runs and a scream at the guy letting his very large dog poop on my front lawn without picking it up....ago!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 7 1/2

Austin the big helper w/Alex
My three Angels

Max..being too cute
Alex & Emerson
"Brotherly Love"

Our 4 Sons...The loves of our lives

Week 7 1/2

I had 5 min in between Feeding, Diapering, Bathing, Playing and loving up my children so I thought I would right a love letter to and about my children.

This is this Mothers Perspective:
When Austin came into my life I was a little wet behind the ears...OK really inexperienced. I had babysat, but rearing your own child is different. I was absolutely obsessive when it came to my home...everything had to be perfect. His toys where lined up just so, his DVDs all in their cases, his blocks stacked just so high and even. As for his hygiene...well, I would bathe him 3 times a day and change his clothes so he would look impeccable. I would correct his grammar and get out the flash cards just so he would be the smartest kid in his class and everyone would say..."what a smart boy you have". I watched everything he put in his mouth to make sure his nutrition was top notch. What I didn't do was take the time to truly love the time with him. I loved him but I didn't take the time to study his face and kiss his baby toes and to enjoy all the baby time. THIS I REGRET. I now look at my beautiful 4 year old....he is so hard on himself sometimes and I know it's because I am hard on him and i realize...I missed so much. I was here but in body alone. I now vow to be the mom I never thought I could be....letting go of the little things. I will allow messy faces, toys in the living room, Nickelodeon on the living room TV and cookies before bed. I will not let one more minute pass without enjoying my children. I now look at my three new sleeping angels and I thank God that he gave me a second chance to change my views on motherhood and life. I am taking the time to kiss those baby toes and study those faces and to enjoy this time because it passes so quickly. To my amazing 4 year old I say I'm sorry for my lack of experience. I love you more than words can say. I will try to not miss one more moment. And to my three angels sleeping so calmly...for the moment, thank your big brother because he made me the Mom I always hoped to be. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

For all my friends and family, forgive me for not calling, stopping by or updating this blog. I will do what I can when I can . Please understand that my life has changed and I now am busy loving, living and enjoying the beauty that is my children and being the best mom I can possibly be.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

More Pics

Our Three Sons & Babies r'us Our Living Room Emerson & Max bonding & fighting

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 7

Max shuns the papparazzi
The Deitzman Clan
Max on his way to the Doctors

Week 7
OUR FAMILY IS COMPLETE!!!THEY'RE ALL HOME!!!!!! That's right, as of last Monday all three of our babies are home. Max is doing fantastic, he is home on a heart monitor strictly as a precaution, and we are happy to report he has not had any spells at all. It was so hard waiting for him to be released but we now know that it was the best thing for him. He was able to get a little extra attention from the nurses and a little more rest before joining his brothers....the little trouble makers!!! AS soon as he came home it was like we where never separated.

We have settled into a nice routine. The boys get changed and eat every three hours than there is a two hour stretch where they sleep or sit in their bouncers or swings before the whole routine starts again. They are all so spoiled already. No one likes to sleep in their own bed. Both Alex and Emerson would rather be on Mommy or Daddy when the lights go down. Max will not sleep in his bed during the day, instead he would much rather be on his daddy or Mommy's hip. It's amazing how quickly everything changed after leaving the hospital. It seems like the days fly by and I really have no recollection of the day most of the time.

The boys are growing like weeds. Max was 7lbs 6oz at his last doctors visit. Alex is 6lbs 14oz and Emerson is 6lbs 9oz. They are all over 19 inches long and look like full term babies. Their original due date was October 13th so the fact that they are all home and doing well is such a blessing. We thank God everyday for what we have, four healthy happy children. The boys are all reaching some great milestones. They have started to coo and even have their own grunting language, It's amazing to hear them grunt at one's like a bitchfest. I can just imagine them saying "she's taking her sweet time with that baba", or "if we work as a team, we can escape these bouncy chairs". All the boys are starting to recognise the people around them and they seem to like their hanging toys. They are all still breastfeeding but we have stared to supplement with formula at night in order to bulk up on calories.

Austin is doing great. He seems to have little interest in his brothers right now. He is just enjoying all the company that is stopping by. He gets a little jealous but after a while calms down and enjoys all the family interaction.

We thank everyone who has stopped by and has helped us out. We also want to thank everyone who has been patient about seeing the boys. We just wanted to have the boys get acclimated to their surroundings before exposing them to a lot of people. We are still limiting the visitors because cold and flu season has started, but give us a call if you want to see the boys. Just please use your discretion if you are sick in any way shape or form because the common cold can be fatal in premature infants.

We thank everyone who is really faithful in reading the blog. We will try and update it every couple of weeks. But as you can imagine with three newborns and a 4 year old, we are terribly busy.