Aunt Lisel reflecting!
Happy 70th Birthday Opa!
Today is Davids fathers 70th Birthday. Yesterday we (David, Ted, Rich & myself)threw him a surprise party here at our house. It was wonderful. We had Stinners as far as the eye could see. His children, brother and sister, his grandchildren, nieces, nephews and friends all came. We tried to keep it as much as a surprise as we could. He seemed to enjoy himself a lot. Walking in he seemed to be a little overwhelmed. He shed tears of joy. It was such a wonderful site to see. We just wanted him to know that he is truly loved by all that know him. He spent hours getting caught up with all. There is nothing like seeing the joy in someones face when surrounded by loved ones.
The kids all had a wonderful time playing with each other. They are all getting so big. Austin ran from upstairs to downstairs playing with his cousins. The babies where all very well taken care of by Oma and all the Aunts,Uncles and cousins. I very rarely had a baby in hand. We are so thankful that everyone came and shared the special day with Opa!
We love you Opa.....and we wish you many, many more Happy Birthdays!