Well, it's week two for the triplets and they are doing amazing. We had a meeting with the boys Neonatologist earlier in the week and are pleased to report that they are all healthy and thriving. Emerson is growing and thriving in his new environment. He is gaining weight and meeting every goal the Doctors give him with flying colors. He has a great personality. He loves to be held and is very bright eyed when we are around. He smiles so big when we talk to him. He now weighs 3lbs 6 3/4 oz. Maxim is also doing fantastically. He is the serious one. He rarely is awake when we hold him, I think he is just very comfortable with the warmth of Mommy and Daddy. He is having some regurgitation issues, but shows no signs of any serious issues. He now weighs 3lbs 14 oz. This is close to his birth weight but babies gain and loose the first couple of weeks. Alexander is my cooer. He stays completely awake when we hold him and will follow your voice with his eyes and head. He loves to be with his Daddy. If David moves Alex will follow him completely. It's almost as if he is afraid to blink or he might miss something. He now weighs 3lbs 14 3/4oz. We are very proud of all three of our beautiful baby boys.
Today the babies were moved from A-Pod to a private room with just the three of them. This will be great for us to bond better with the babies. They have their own private nurse and the personal care will be so much better for them. The number of visitors is limited at this time. We are limited to immediate family at this point in order to keep their exposure to sickness down to a minimum.
Austin is doing well transitioning to a big brother. He has been having a great time going from all his grandparents and Aunts houses. Hopefully the babies will be home soon so we can get all 4 of our boys into a routine. He has seen his brothers several times and is amazed at how little they are compared to him. He doesn't understand why they can't come home yet. He has been very patient.
I'm sure you all want to know when the babies are coming home. Well, so do we. It's very disconcerning to be asked everyday when they are coming home. We want our babies to stay in the hospital as long as it takes for them to completely healthy. Remember this Saturday our babies were at 33 weeks. Most pregnancies are 40 weeks long. So technically they are not done cooking yet. They still have 7 weeks before they are full term. We will have to limit the number of visitors when they come home because it will be cold and flu season. Hopefully everyone will understand. This is nothing personal. Please don't take offense.
Today the babies were moved from A-Pod to a private room with just the three of them. This will be great for us to bond better with the babies. They have their own private nurse and the personal care will be so much better for them. The number of visitors is limited at this time. We are limited to immediate family at this point in order to keep their exposure to sickness down to a minimum.
Austin is doing well transitioning to a big brother. He has been having a great time going from all his grandparents and Aunts houses. Hopefully the babies will be home soon so we can get all 4 of our boys into a routine. He has seen his brothers several times and is amazed at how little they are compared to him. He doesn't understand why they can't come home yet. He has been very patient.
I'm sure you all want to know when the babies are coming home. Well, so do we. It's very disconcerning to be asked everyday when they are coming home. We want our babies to stay in the hospital as long as it takes for them to completely healthy. Remember this Saturday our babies were at 33 weeks. Most pregnancies are 40 weeks long. So technically they are not done cooking yet. They still have 7 weeks before they are full term. We will have to limit the number of visitors when they come home because it will be cold and flu season. Hopefully everyone will understand. This is nothing personal. Please don't take offense.
By popular demand here is the final picture of Mommy before the babies where delivered.