Sunday, February 19, 2012
A New Start
A New Start
Now that Grif is officially 3 years old he is participating in a program through Summit Educational that is intensive therapy. He will have a Special Education teacher 5 days a week for 3 hour sessions followed by 2 hours(a week) of Occupational Therapy and 5 hours(a week) of Speech therapy. 3 days a week he has all three. He is such a tough little boy.
1 month later...It's amazing how quickly he has picked up on the therapies. My minimally verbal child is now saying "One, Two, Three", "....., SET, GOOOOO" (He doesn't say READY yet, but he will). He is kicking butt in every way. He is speaking in sentences through Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a form of augmentative and alternative communication. It is typically used as an aid in communication for children with autism and other special needs. The system has been used with a variety of ages including preschoolers, adolescents and adults who have a wide array of communicative, cognitive and physical difficulties. Recent literature reviews have supported PECS as an evidence-based practice. He can difinitavely use the PECS to communicate sentences "I want...". It's just so incredible.
From the moment Grif was diagnosed as Autistic I knew we would FIGHT as hard as we could to not lose him in the quiet world of Autism. He has been receptive to every single therapy we have thrown at him. This kid is AMAZING!!!! I am one proud momma!!!