Thursday, September 4, 2008

A New Day, A New School

They played in that tent for over an hour!
They even chased the cat together.
Aunt Shelley, Carter and my boys!

Ready for his 1st day! What a big boy!
My boys, playing so nice!
Off to the bus stop!
Off he goes! No fear! He never looked back!
I took this picture of Alexander while waiting for the bus. He's such a photogenic kid!

A New Day, A New School

This week was an incredible one. The boys are growing so fast. They are starting to communicate with us more and more. They understand "NO" which is really working out great since my 5 year old doesn't seem to understand it! They now understand when you say "go get your "baba" or "pick up Elmo". They also get excited when I say, "want to watch Baby Einstein or Monsters Inc.". It's just so amazing. Everyday is a new experience and a new achievement.

My very good friend Shelley and her son Carter came to see us this week. It's always nice to see old friends. I miss Shelley so much. It's hard when your friends and family move way for jobs or life experience. It was nice to spend time with her. She knew every baby by name when I brought them down from their naps. I knew right than that maintaining this blog is essential for those people who can not be with us and watch our children grow. I know Shelley is a faithful reader and I thank her for loving us enough to want to be a part of our lives. Thanks "Sheliza"! The boys can't wait to play with Carter again...oh yeah and your short strings! Love You!

On Tuesday Austin started Kindergarten. I was literally freaking out in the morning. I don't know why.I had terrible anxiety. I didn't want him to go. All of sudden I realized my first baby was on his way to becoming independent. I think for a fleeting moment, I just wanted him to be that sweet little baby again. He was so excited when he woke up. He got dressed right away and ran down stairs. He barely ate breakfast and waited impatiently for the school bus which was 25 minutes late. He was so excited to get on the bus that he just screamed "bye" and ran on the bus. I panicked a bit as I saw the bus drive off. The little monster that gave me such trouble this summer was off starting this new adventure without me ...and I was actually going to miss him...and I did. I couldn't wait for him to come home. When he did he was so excited. He jumped off the bus and ran to me. He was spewing out all these details to his day, I could barely understand him. After a quick snack he said... "When can I go back, Mommy?". That's it I guess! My baby is growing up! We also had some scary times this week.

My Aunt Terri, who most of you know is more like my sister than my Aunt fell ill. We rushed her to the hospital on Saturday where they admitted her to the ICU in critical condition. We where unsure of what the outcome would be because she was very, very sick. However, on Tuesday, Terri opened her eyes and began to talk. We are hoping for the best and appreciate all of you that have called with well wishes and concerns. Continue to pray for her quick recovery and for
her son Thomas.