Who ordered the HEAT WAVE????
Well all I can say is "Welcome to another Western New York Summer!". Within 48 hours it went from 35 degrees to a balmy 87 degrees. You know what this means...Open the doors I'm letting the monsters FREE!
Well, what have the kids been up to? HMMMMM, besides growing like weeds and eating me out of house and home? They have been up to no good of course! Actually, they have finally learned to play together. I don't know the exact moment they became friends but it seemed like all of a sudden. They now run around and play like real kids. Last year I had a panic attack every time I saw them climb the ladder to the swing set. Now, they fly up and down like pros. We put up two new sheds, one for the pool and garden area and one strictly for toys. I know, my children are spoiled but they deserve it. They recently got an airplane. Yes, you read right. -It is actually a teeter tauter that seats 7! I've learned my lesson though, while putting this enormous toy together my children discovered the large box was more exciting then the plane itself.
Austin is almost done with school and is looking forward to spending time in the pool, vacation bible school and Science Museum activities. I am looking forward to some private time with him. I miss my shopping and lunch buddy on our "Nanny Days". I think we both need the bonding too.
Griffin is starting to talk and is becoming a real kid. He says the inevitable "what's that?" "Mamamamammamamama" and "Dadadadadada". He loves to watch Sesame Street(0f course) and seems to have a fascination with books. We have these large books that have big colorful pictures in them and he stares at them for hours. He is not a lover of the outside so I keep his outings to a minimum. I don't think he'll be a big beach baby. The light blue eyes and pasty white skin pretty much prevent that. That's OK, we've created a kids wonderland right here in our yard.
David and I have been working on the garden. He did all the cultivating and I did all the planting. I did a third of what I did last year, only a few of every veggie. I planted herbs this year and I am so excited about that. I can't wait to pull a fresh tomato salad out of my garden with all fresh herbs. Let's pray for a nicer summer than last year!