Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Happy 3rd Birthday Griffin!
Happy 3rd Birthday Griffin!
Every year on my children's birthday I blog a letter to them. I want them to know exactly what I was thinking at the time they were born or adopted. Tomorrow my baby Griffin Henry Michael turns 3 years old. It has been an emotional year to say the least. This is my letter to him.
My Dearest Grif(The littlest love of my life),
The moment you were born was one of the best of my life. I heard you cry and I couldn't help but start to final baby was born! They wisked you away because you couldn't breathe. I was devistated. I starred at you in the incubator and was completely amazed by your beauty. You were my perfect little boy. I had no idea what challenges you would face in life. I assumed it would be charmed and perfect.
Fast forward to your 2nd birthday. I knew you were different. Still perfect, yet different. You did things along your own pace. You seemed almost oblivious to chaos around you. 4 other brothers...where? You were just content to watch your shows, dance around the living room and line up everything you found. I took you to a specialist who told me you are on the spectrum for Autism. I guess I already knew. I pulled the car over and sobbed. Then I got over it...time to FIGHT!
In the last year we have changed your diet and got you enrolled in speech therapy. You have made HUGE strides. Although you REFUSE to go to bed at Midnight and you still drink your milk from a bottle(when you can tell me your done...I will toss them), you are starting to talk and use sign language on a regular basis! You now play interactively with your brothers and the specialist believe you can read fluently. You have to have your green fuzzy blanket everywher you go. I don't blame's cozy! You LOVE to swim, I think you're part fish! You can shop with your mommy while your brothers are at school and never complain! You are an amazing little man. You received an iPod touch and are obcessed with YouTube! Baby Einstein still remains your favorite. I love it because it enriches your mind and soothes you.
You are a truly incredible child. You are about to embark on a new chapter in your life. You are starting intensive speech therapy 5 days a week along with Ocuppational therapy and special education. You will accomplish anything you set your mind too, I just know it. I am so PROUD of how far you've come. I know you will be an amzing man someday, I have faith in everything you do. I love you more then you will ever know.
Your Mother