My Loves
When Austin came into our lives I thought to myself "life can't get any better than this", than the triplets where born and I again thought "life can't get any better than this". Now that Griffin is here, I can honestly say..."life can't get any better than THIS!". I knew pretty early on that I wanted to be a mother. I resounded to the fact that I probably would never have children and almost turned my back on the thought completely. Than I met David and within a year of being married to him I knew I wanted to be the mother of his children. So when we adopted Austin I knew that motherhood would be a huge part of my life. He was such a joy. So smart, so sweet and amazing. Just the most perfect child anyone could want. Everyone immediately fell in love with him. I had given up on ever having more than just him. Than the triplets came to be and now Griffin. I now know I was meant to have all these children. God choose me or I should I know this sounds corny to some but I have to think that in God's infinite wisdom he knew we where meant to adopt Austin first and have more children later. I have to think it was a well thought out plan on his part and not some incredibly unfunny joke. It's unbelievable how your life takes twists and turns. Mine is like a roller coaster and I wouldn't have it any other way. They are the loves of my life and for the first time my family feels complete.
Poor Austin is not feeling well. He came home early in the week with a croupy cough. He has been in quarantine in the basement ever since. But now it seems the little boys are starting to get it too. Griffin has been lucky. So far he is showing no symptoms but that can change in an instant. So we just keep him as separate as possible and don't let anyone tough him. The triplets are getting used to the fact that Griffin is home now. Emerson still shows no interest but Alex points at him and says "baby, baby!" and Max wants to kiss him and poke him in the eyes. I think they've realized he is a part of our family and is going to stay. I am trying to spend equal time with all the kids to let them know I'm still here for everyone. That's been a little trying since Griffin is nursing. So I try and let the little ones run around the downstairs in the evening instead of being coopt up in the living room. They love it. They run in circles, laugh and dance. Hopefully Austin will feel better soon so he can help me a little more with the younger three.
Griffin and I both went to the doctors this week. The nursing is working because in 5 days time he went from 8.4lbs to 9.4lbs! Woooo! He might have had an undeveloped lung but his belly is working just fine. He's turning into a little porker! I love it. The boys where all so scrawny! A fat baby has always been my dream. All though he is far from fat. All in all Griffin has overcame is hardships and is doing fantastic. I on the other hand have had some issues with my surgical wound. It turns out I have a really bad staph infection and even after several rounds of antibiotics I still am unable to get rid of it. I'm hoping this is the final round and I can hurry up on my road to recovery!