Friday, September 2, 2011
School Time
Well, it's about that time. School is starting and it's right around the corner. We have shopped until we dropped. I filled 4 book bags with paper, pencils, markers and crayons. I have 4 very excited boys to start school. I on the other hand am worried and a little sad.
When I took the triplets to their pre-school orientation/supply drop off I stopped off for a coffee. I glanced in the back seat expecting to see 3/5th of my babies watching a movie. Instead I saw 3 BIG boys with long legs dangling in their car seats. It's a good thing I had sun glasses on because I strated to cry. Where did my babies go? 4 years ago right now they were 3 teeny tiny premature babies in incubators fighting for their lives. They barely weighed 3lbs each and were less then 16" long. I look at them in complete AWWWW sometimes. They have come so far. We have ALL come so far.
I know school is a right of passage. I know they are ready. I will smile and hand them off to their teacher. But don't be suprised if I am found sitting underneath their window at school crying my eyes out(I'm bawling as I write this). My babies are growing up!